Monday, March 7, 2011

Just a little update of my life

Well I've known for about a week now but I was officially accepted into the Nurse Practitioner Program at Unviversity of Evansville! Guess I won't be starting until next January though. I may need that time to mentally prepare....and to get Reese potty trained by then! Reese finally got over her ear infection after 2 rounds of antibiotics. Now we are just dealing with Reagan and what seems to be a bit of the flu again. This makes 3 times for her this winter:(
I just got the news that I'm having another little neice or nephew (Kev says definately a boy!). Jessica and Kent are finally having a baby! Just in time too cause Jessica is also going into the nurse practitioner program next Spring. Good luck guys and Congratulations!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More animals

We ordered 25 baby chicks awhile back and were expecting them to come sometime during this coming week. To our surprise, we recieved a phone call at 9:30 p.m. Saturday night from the Effingham post office saying that they had arrived! Kevin and Reagan left to go get them while I stayed back to prepare their bedding. Reagan was so excited about getting them and wants to hold them all the time. This will be the second time we've raised baby chicks but we have never done this many. 9 of them are meat birds for us to butcher and the rest are an assortment of ones we want for pets and eggs. Kevin also went to get some more goats on Saturday. So far they are my favorite. They are very pretty and super friendly.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's to everyone. Had to post a picture of one of my cute valentine's!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We made it through

Hope everyone made it through the storm uneventful. I didn't get stranded at work like I thought I would have and I was able to get all of the shifts covered from call ins so I'm greatful for that. Our electricity was out for about 24 hours...just came back on this evening. It was fun at first...Reagan thought we were camping and loved all the candles and sleeping in her sleeping bag on the living room floor. But by morning when the temperature had started dropping, it became a bit of a bother. I had stocked up on non-parishables and plenty of lunch meat just in case we would have become stranded or without power for several days. Luckily it looks like I can forget about that! And Reagan is happy we are getting to stay the night at Grandma's house. We had packed up to stay for the night due to no power. But when the lights had come back on at our place around 7:00, there was no getting Reagan to go back home. So here we are, sleeping over at Grandma Schulte's!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

She's crawling

Reese had a big week this week. A few of her top teeth finished breaking through...puts her up to a whopping 5 teeth. She just learned how to grind her teeth too....eey! She's been bouncing on her knees for a good week or two and finally took a few paces on Wednesday. By now, she is crawling all over! It's sweet that she's met this milestone but I know it's only a matter of short time and I'll be losing her around the house. Time to put up the baby gates I guess!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


This is Bucky, the 6 month old male goat Kevin got this weekend. He's such a cute little guy....for now anyway. Apparently male goats get rather ugly when they get full grown so I'm not looking forward to that. The two girls, Lucy and Ethel have been kind of mean to him and injured him so we moved him in with the chickens temporarily. I also had my first experience with trimming hooves of an animal. I sort of winged it, not knowing what I was cutting but he survived and can still walk so I must have done okay!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Christmas!

Whew, Christmas is over and I'm exhausted! We did the Schulte family Christmas on the 18th so it was nice to spread things out a bit. On Wednesday, Kevin and I went to Reagan's preschool and we helped her make a Gingerbread house...I had to keep on Kevin to quite eating the candy until the house was completed! On Christmas eve, we spent the day at my mom's house and was visited by Santa (Reagan was just fine and dandy but Reagan still has a complex about getting anywhere near Santa). Christmas morning was soooo exciting for Reagan. Every present she opened, she wanted us to open so she could start playing with it. Make year Santa won't bring so much because interest is lost by the end! I took a picture of her in her new housecoat and her dressup wig. She got a moxie girl doll, barbie doll head to fix hair with, dresses, books, cowgirl boots, and dress up costumes to name a few. Reese got some of the necessities and a baby gait to keep her from crawling up the stairs (which she may be doing soon!) I took a picture of Kevin's new hat that my uncle embroidered-he has started a business doing all kinds of things like that. That afternoon we went to Beecher City for a Christmas and then went to Belleville on Sunday for the last Christmas. What a fun time. It's always sad to see it go knowing we are facing the winter with nothing but Spring to look forward to. Merry Christmas everyone!